Supplier Audits


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One of your principal customers wants you to audit your strategic suppliers? You need to evaluate the performance and the pertinence of the supplier relationship?

MLB Conseils proposes to help you prepare and carry out supplier audits of your strategic suppliers.

Typical overview (execution) of an assignment

Step 1: Define the assignment and the objectives

  • As soon as the contract is signed, the following needs to be carried out:
  • Preliminary assignment scoping meeting with the representatives of the company and presentation by the company as well as the key contacts for the assignment. During the preliminary assignment scoping meeting the following documents will be provided to MLB Conseils: Purchasing and Quality Manuals, Company Organisation Chart and any other material necessary for a thorough understanding of the relevant systems and processes
  • Phasing the assignment and preparation of a provisional timetable
  • Preliminary Analysis: the preliminary analysis is an information gathering, and review exercise comprising – on-site observations and interviews with Purchasing and Quality staff.
  • Following this preliminary stage, an Engagement letter setting out the full scope of the assignment will be drafted for approval and will serve as the final specification for the assignment.


A summary report of all interviews will be submitted and the assignment will be redefined in an Engagement letter.