Supplier Audits - Step 2


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Step 2: Carrying out the assignment

Supplier Audits:

  1. Preparation of the supplier audit documentation and agreement with the company
  2. Making appointments – Audit Planning
  3. Sending of pre-audit questionnaire, analysis of responses
  4. On-site Audit
  5. Audit report
  6. Progress Plan
  7. And eventually, follow-up of corrective actions


An audit report with scoring of the strategic suppliers audited by MLB Conseils. This detailed report will include:

  • A summary of the scope of the supplier audits (system, process, activities, products...) together with any limitations
  • An auditors’ reference
  • A summary of the audit plan
  • The questionnaire(s) conceived according to the areas audited,
  • A description of the audit work undertaken
  • The positions and responsibilities of the people met during the audit
  • Reference documents (of the supplier, of the company)
  • Scorings and audit observations (strong and weak points, nonconformities, etc.)
  • Conclusions with respect to the efficiency of the systems and processes audited and the dynamics of continuous improvement

Following approval of the progress plan, MLB Conseils can help you implement the progress plan (which details objectives and establishes a provisional plan of actions to be undertaken) and monitor all progress made.

It may be useful to evaluate how the company is perceived by its suppliers through the results of a questionnaire on the nature of the customer-supplier relationship. These results form the basis for recommendations aiming to improve customer-supplier relationships within the framework of establishing close and lasting links with suppliers responding to the needs and expectations of the customer.